Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Taking Time to Crochet the Flowers!

I created (crocheted) a Black Eyed Daisy on Sunday afternoon, using my Lazy Daisy pattern. I am taking time to enjoy a few minutes every day in May -- Taking time to create!  #mayforme2017

The PDF Downloadable Pattern is available in My Pattern Store for only $1.00 on Craftsy.com 

On this one, I used 2 strands of fabric for the stem!

 Here's another one I crocheted using selvage strips. 

Do you want a "printed pattern" of the Crocheted Lazy Daisy Pattern? 
I will print it and mail it to you for $5.50.
PDF Pattern is $1.00, plus $2.50 for the printing, plus shipping of $2.00 = $5.50 (US shipping of $2.00)

Please mail a check or money order to me with your request and your address.

Marcia Wachuta
41826 County Road W
Boscobel, WI 53805

Do you want a printed pattern of any of the PDF Patterns in my Craftsy Store. Add $2.50 for printing to the price on Craftsy, plus $2.00 for US shipping. 
$2.50 + _______(insert Craftsy Price) + $2.00 = _____ Total

My Pattern Store on Craftsy has 31 PDF Downloadable Patterns: https://www.craftsy.com/profile/crafty-sewing-and-quilting/

Enjoy your day!


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